Saturday, January 19, 2008

On A Caroline Kick...

As I was musing about my Sweet Caroline, I came across some great photos of her that I love.
This first one was a freak snapshot in dim light that captured Jax with Caroline. Perfect.

Fond memories of this last one with "Muffin" the dog. No, we have never had a dog, nor will we probably ever. Muffin was the photographer's dog, and Caroline would not sit still without the dog in her "lap". So all of our 2002 Christmas cards went out with Caroline squeezing the stink out of this random mystery dog. I must have gotten 10 emails congratulating us on our new dog. Nope. Just a cute furry prop.


lawtrix said...

Caroline was such a beautiful baby and toddler, and has become such a beautiful - and grown-up! - girl. It's been so much fun watching it happen.

Becky said...

That is how I remember Caroline when you and I first met. I remember she sat on my lap, so still when you took Jackson to the bathroom at Lion's Park. How time flies and flies fast! Thanks for taking me down memory lane. Caroline is so sweet.

[BrookeO] said...

Yep, I agree, cutest little girl, thought that the first time I met her.

Love the dog story...something I would see on Ellen...I'm still laughing!

Jared and Delia said...

I just wanted to let you know our new address is:

I love to read your blog by the way. You are so witty.