For Christmas this year I would like to have a mom that doesn't neglect me whilst doing last minute Christmas shopping at her favorite boutique Naartje allowing me to roam freely near the sharp-edged baseboards in the store and trip and fall so I have to go to the ER which was quite frankly a hellish nightmare and have 20 stitches and be totally sedated so the plastic surgeon my mom insisted on summoning to the ER could sew a straight line so I wouldn't look like Frankenstein forever like when I start to date in 20 years.
Thanks again,
Sweet Little Charlotte

(All photos snapped on my phone)

(this one even still just makes me want to cry right this second)
Dear Santa,
I would also love it if you could slip a coupla vials of the antidote to incessant/unproductive motherly guilt in my stocking, while you're at it.