Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Anyone need a book for Kiddie Book Club?

Lucky for me, right on the heels of my pre-holiday breakdown, came some well-timed comic relief.

As I was putting Ellison to bed, she naturally wanted to read with me.  I grabbed a chapter book off of her shelf called "The Higher Power of Lucky".  It was a Newbery Medal Winner.  Guh-reat!  We hadn't read that one yet, and frankly I was a tad bored of mimicking what I thought Junie B. Jones' voice sounded like. 

Here we come, warmth and fuzzies!  Let us wind down together, darling daughter...

{An excerpt from Page 1}:

"Sammy told of the day when he had drunk half a gallon of rum listening to Johnny Cash all morning in his parked '62 Cadillac, then fallen out of the car when he saw a rattlesnake on the passenger seat biting his dog, Roy, on the scrotum."

So much for dewdrops and lollipops.

Too tired to discuss scrotal and/or alcoholic implications with my seven year old, I stared into her elfin-like face and mentally begged her just not to ask.  Too tired. Too tired. Too tired. 

Subsequently, my Junie B. Jones impersonation was dead-on.


Sims Family said...

I am literally on the floor laughing. What a day.

Janet said...

So funny! Thank you for the comic relief.

Ashley said...

That sounds like Shelby's kind of reading material. You must save it for her. She'd be the one telling me what the scrotum and alcoholic impairments are. So Funny!!

CarolF said...

What has Newberry come to???