Tuesday, August 2, 2011

McNotAFrolicker letting me have a moment.

This photo epitomizes our relationship.

Mouthing off to my sister Susan.

At this point my sister wants to beat me senseless with my own camera.

And I'm pretty sure McBeenAGoodSport is just about ready to jump into the ocean with an anvil tied around his neck.
I count four chins.
Finally hunkering down for a respectable photo.
[And, as usual, overusing the soft focus in Photoshop] 
31st year at the Beach Cottages.
More soft focus magic.



Perry Kids said...

love LOVE these photos! but my fave is the first one. that is classic!

Natalie said...

sorry, its me...nat

CarolF said...

Yep, that first picture is definitely my new favorite picture of you (and Marc). Awesome!

LCFrohm said...

You do NOT have 4 chins. You are GORGEOUS!!

Maren said...

Those look like very happy photos!

Becky said...

My favorite is the first one too. I would have loved to join in ... embarrass Marc even more. I was laughing just picturing my nonsense added to yours. So funny. And great pictures too!

Nancy K said...

ummm...love you guys!

Michelle said...

Great photos. I miss seeing you all on a more regular basis, like at church. I didn't count 4 chins. You are so beautiful.