Tuesday, February 22, 2011


You win, Influenza B.  We give up.  We're broken down.

My poor Jax is on his 7th day of misery.  Everyone but McFlorence Nightengale has it. I'm sensing that he's getting a little weary of managing the entire household and attending to us whiny sickies.  We're a lot of work.

Thanks to the friends who have brought in meals (thx Dalee and Tiff/Janie) and thanks to friends who have offered to bring me everything from magazines to Vitamin D capsules to Sonic Cherry Limeades. So kind.  Honestly.

Anybody who will kindly shoot me in the upper-left flank with a big-game tranquilizer gun will receive some free barf bags [featured below]. 

So very miserable am I. 

Tamiflu?  Give me a break.  They may as well give me a bag of Skittles and tell me to take two and see if they help.  Not working.

[ergonomically designed vomit bags {pilfered from ER sometime in '09} modeled by my ellison. I actually gave some to friends for christmas this year--they'll thank me later]


Sims Family said...

I am so sorry! I hope you all feel better!

The Reillys said...

Looks like you passed it on to our house! The hubby has been the only one spared as well. It's the immunities picked up at the hospital I think. Hope you all feel better soon.

The Good Life on Less! said...

ugg, hope you guys get well fast ... Nate went to bed with a headache tonight ... you're scaring me! Anita's daughter got the flu around the same time as pneumonia (spelling?) 3 months ago and STILL has the pneumonia because the flu weakened her so much ... eeek ... the plague is going around this year!

Lonni said...

I UG for you.
Hang in there, my dear.

Tobler Family said...

We're sorry your kiddos have been so ill